The Center for Ethics in Science and Journalism

The Center for Ethics in Science and Science Journalism (CESJ) is a non-profit organization launched in 2016 in Milan (Italy) to foster research, public debate and education activities – for both journalists and scientists – on science and science journalism and communication.

In its first years of activity, CESJ focused on how to cover science-related issues, and especially controversies, in a responsible, ethical way. These activities included the organization of workshops for science journalists, in collaboration with and with financial support from UNESCO (Venice Office), the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, the World Health Organisation and the Central European Initiative (CEI).

In 2022 the Center was awarded a grant by the Italian Foundation Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo for a project to nurture and promote the scientific citizenship in Italy, which is still underway.

In 2023,  as new higlhy prestigious grant was awarded by the European Research Council to the International consortium FRONTIERS, in which the Center plays a pivotal role.

CESJ is directed by Fabio Turone, science journalist who in 2016-2017 was research fellow at the MIT Knight Science Journalism program in Boston, and scientific director Daniela Ovadia, who in addition to working in science journalism has been participating in several EU-funded projects and teaches “Ethics of research and responsible research and innovation” at University of Pavia.